You just cant have too many epiphone, that is in the case of Ted. He has his eyes on the Epiphone twisted sister and also the Epiphone Prophecy EX which is two different guitars. Here picture is him holding the two guitars he purchased

This is a page for all guitar store customers. We hope that we will continue serving you and keeping our customers happy. Feed us with feedbacks and comments so that we could improve our services. Thank you for your support.
Brannon Tan (picture holding the guitar) is going for his Grade 5 electrical guitar this year end. He needed another guitar which is different from his Godin SD. He chose the Epiphone Prophecy EX which features the EMG pickups. Picture here shows with his family, and who else say buying a guitar cant be a family affair.
Sean has been researching about Farida guitars before coming to our store to purchase it. In fact he has been to our branch to test out the guitars. Finally, he has decided to come to our store to buy just because we have this page, and of course we try our best to give a good service to our customers.
Shazli from USJ came to The Guitar Store to look for these pickups. These special pickups have the ability to have the sound of the twangy single coil as well as the thick P90's.
Nadiah who is studying in UK London plans to buy a guitar in London, however the price there is extremly expensive and therefore she decides to get one in Malayisa when she comes back for a short semester holiday. She decides to get the Farida C5 which has a more fuller tone and a Full Solid body.
Just after a day of posting on the net, this student of Kamal came and purchased the guitar. Buying a guitar can never be that happy. Picture is the two staff on the left, the green shirt is the actual buyer and the teacher is the one on the right.
Mr. Fadhli came to guitar store looking for a guitar as a present to his 8 year old nephew. He wants something easy and affordable and chose the AXL as the choice guitar.
David who comes from Shah Alam look up the Godin website looking for a hybrid electric guitar. The reason is that he needs to play the acoustic guitar during worship in his church and able to have the electric sounds during praise. He finally chose the solidac for its ability.
Yun Jin from KL wanted to buy a classical guitar. After having referred by his teacher, he decided to come and check out the guitars. He finally chose the Farida C52 for himself after hearing the specs and he wanted to own this guitar for a very long time. This what I mean having a supportive family which the whole family shops the guitar with him.
Ryan who has been learning guitar with us since 2007 has been using a mini Samick. However he has grown up and he needed another full size guitar. Dont underestimate those small fingers you see. They are fast and they can do much damage like any guitarist.
Chooi Ying goes to Sri KDU for lessons and her friend Alexander Teh recommends him to come to guitar store. She already knew about Farida and wants to try it out and she chose the Farida D8E for her choice because it is more value for money. Picture here is with her parents who supported her.
Alvin who can play the keyboard very well wanted to venture into guitar ever since trying out the synthesizer sounds from his Yamaha Synthesizer and didnt quite liked it. He decided he needed a guitar to start off with and he decided to go with my recommendation the Godin SD. Here pictured is with his wife who supports him fully. Now that's what I call a Happy Family.
This loving couple needed another effect to make things right. Inspired from Eddie Van Halen for its twirling phasing sounds, the MXR Phase 90 is the one they are looking for.
This is a page for all guitar store customers. We hope that we will continue serving you and keeping our customers happy. Feed us with feedbacks and comments so that we could improve our services. Thank you for your support.